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A Story Of Lifetime Growth.

We have a tale to tell. Hear It From Our People.

Our AtliQers come from diverse backgrounds and they found their passion and vision after taking the leap of faith with us.

Vipul Patel

UI/UX Designer Lead

“Teaching was my first love, but fate had other plans for me. After an unfortunate incident forced me to switch careers, I felt lost. However, I’ve always had a creative bent of mind and an eye for aesthetics. So I decided to bet on myself and learn web design from scratch. It was incredibly difficult at first – the coding concepts seemed so alien. Many nights I stayed up watching tutorial videos, practicing projects, and reading forums to understand it all. Slowly but surely, things started to click.

Eventually, I got hired as a web designer. It was thrilling to see my work go live online! The feedback from my clients was encouraging. However, I yearned to do more than just bring websites to life visually. I wanted to dive deeper into user experiences and interfaces. So during my free time, I started learning UX/UI design.

A close friend who knew my aspirations told me about AtliQ Technologies. She said they were looking for a UI/UX designer. I was very nervous during the multiple interview rounds. But I guess AtliQ saw my potential because they offered me the job! Joining AtliQ marked a turning point in my career. For the first time, I felt truly challenged at work – but in the best way possible. I was entrusted with end-to-end ownership of complex design projects. Every day I learned new skills and techniques. My confidence as a designer grew tremendously. My journey from my old job to AtliQ was tough initially. The supportive culture and exciting projects have made this the best job ever. I’m so grateful that AtliQ helped me spread my wings as a UI/UX designer.

But what mattered just as much was AtliQ’s focus on work-life balance. These days, I’m able to attend all my kids’ events at school without worrying about salary deductions for being late to work. I also get time for family in the evenings & pursue hobbies again. We even got to bring our families to AtliQ’s big Diwali celebration last year – the kids loved it!

I also improved my physical and mental health thanks to AtliQ’s wellness initiatives. Feeling healthier made me even more creative and energetic at work! It’s rare to find a company that truly cares about employee happiness and well-being. There was one time when I was going through some personal issues and struggling. AtliQ didn’t just give me time off, but they also supported me through it. Another time, I wanted to take an advanced design course and the management supported the decision and allowed me to spend working hours learning it.

I get to go home on time, be with my family, take care of my health, and do things I enjoy. At the same time, I can give my best at work without burning out. Now I look forward to each new day of creative challenges! “

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