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AtliQ One to One Meetings

We firmly believe that if the employee progresses, the organization progresses along with him. At Atliq family, the reporting managers usually conduct a personal one-to-one review meeting at the end of the month of the work that we have done. This has many fold benefits.

Firstly, employees know their shortcomings if they have had any during that period. Besides, they also get a clear picture of the expectations from the team. In addition, this also gives them a platform to address and discuss any issues that they have faced and would like it to get addressed.

The reporting manager makes sure to help their team in the best possible way to bring out the best in them making sure the productivity is not compromised at any cost.

It has given our team time and space for open and honest communication. Also it has encouraged a more personal relationship with our team members, and led us to overall higher levels of employee engagement and work satisfaction.

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